Friday, July 18, 2008

How do you publish a book?

This is one of the most common questions people ask me (after where can I buy your book and how much is your pay cheque?). It's great to know that there are many story-tellers amongst us and heartwarming when they share their book ideas with me.

The publishing industry needs more local writers and I will do my best to help aspiring authors. Below are my tips and resources:

1. Write a book synopsis. It should include:

- Theme of book
- Introduction
- Market research
- Benefits for the audience
- Your credentials
- Include a draft of your first chapter

2. Find a publisher

- Make sure you pick a suitable one who will be interested in your book theme. No point sending a non-fiction book summary to a publisher that does primarily children storybooks.

- You can check the National Book Development Council of Singapore ( for a comprehensive list of publishers.

- Do your research from their websites and check their book titles. Then find the contact email and send your synopsis. It's better to send to a few short-listed publishers.

3. You may want to go with a smaller outfit as they may respond faster and be more easy-going. Most importantly, you must feel comfortable with your publisher and see eye-to-eye on the book direction.

Good luck! Feel free to drop me an email if you need more advice.

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