Saturday, January 17, 2009

10 reasons why I love my Internet marketing business

1. There is no glass ceiling to my income and I can reach a worldwide market even though I am conducting my business sitting at home in my underwear.
2. My business runs 24/7, 7 days a week.
3. It is a low cost business with high profit margins.
4. My business is self-generating and automated, making me money while I sleep and go on holidays!
5. I am in control of my own time and income.
6. The small and close-knit industry is filled with interesting and cool people who have generated millions online and are willing to help you (if you ask them correctly)!
7. I get to sleep late and wake up at noon.
8. There is no inventory as all my products are digital.
9. I am still doing what I love, which is writing!
10. It is an underground industry and I love the confused look on people's faces when I tell them what I do!

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